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Accessing Legal Advice

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Accessing Legal Advice

Why You Should Check in With Your Criminal Lawyer Regularly When They're Handling Your Case

by Leroy Duncan

If you have recently been accused of and arrested for a criminal charge of any type, then you probably knew that it was a good idea for you to hire a criminal lawyer. You might have already met with an attorney and hired them for their services, but you might not have talked to them much since. However, it might take a little while for your lawyer to handle your criminal case — such as if your upcoming court date is still a few weeks or even months away — and it is a good idea for you to stay in contact with them throughout the process. These are a few reasons why you should check in with your criminal lawyer regularly when they're handling your case.

Follow Your Conditions of Bail

If you were arrested for the criminal charges that you are now facing, then you might have posted bail in order to get out of jail while awaiting your court date. If this is the case, you should be aware of the fact that there might be conditions of bail that you have to abide by if you want to avoid being re-arrested. For example, in domestic violence cases, the accused might not be allowed to contact the victim. If you have been charged with an alcohol-related crime like drinking and driving, one of your conditions of bail might be that you are not allowed to consume alcohol until after your case has been handled. If you want to be sure that you are fully aware of any conditions of bail that might apply to you, then you should contact your criminal lawyer. If you have been accused of violating any of the conditions of your bail, you should also make sure that you contact your lawyer as soon as possible.

Provide Ample Evidence

In the time period leading up to your trial or court date, your lawyer will probably want to work on a defence for your case. If you come up with any new evidence or information that might help your lawyer with your case, you should contact your lawyer immediately to provide this information. If your lawyer calls you, they might do it because they have a question or need your help with working on your case, so you should make sure that you respond to them as soon as possible to help them help you.
